Stand and fight for humanity. This arcade shooter takes place in the year 2022, as the Earth Defense Force fends off an all-out attack by unknown life forms. Become an EDF soldier, battle against endless hordes of immense enemies, and restore peace to the earth.
Activation details
In order to receive and activate the game:
You will receive a gift link to a website. Open that link in your web browser.
Depending on the prompt please provide your Steam profile link or login via Steam
If needed choose the same country as your store country found in Steam account details. You can check this setting here.
Automated bot system will add your Steam account to friendlist.
After you accept the friend request from bot, it will send you your purchased game as a gift.
You will receive a gift link to a website. Open that link in your web browser.
Depending on the prompt please provide your Steam profile link or login via Steam
If needed choose the same country as your store country found in Steam account details. You can check this setting here.
Automated bot system will add your Steam account to friendlist.
After you accept the friend request from bot, it will send you your purchased game as a gift.
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